Qq questions sur les rustines (ou patchs pour les non-français ) :
Est-ce qu’en mettant à jour un noyau, ex : 2.6.8 vers 2.6.10, on charge automatiquement les patchs ?
Où trouver un tuto sur les explications de ces patchs et leur importance ?
Merci tjrs
Si tu installes des source Debian, en principe, oui …
ricardo7@debian:~$ su
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
debian:/home/ricardo7# apt-cache search "^kernel-source" | sort
kernel-source-2.2.25 - Linux kernel source for version 2.2.25
kernel-source-2.4.27 - Linux kernel source for version 2.4.27 with Debian patches
kernel-source-2.6.10 - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.10 with Debian patches
kernel-source-2.6.8 - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.8 with Debian patches
Concrêtement, selon ce que j’ai trouvé chez moi, qu’est-ce que je dois installer, sachant que je suis en 2.6.10 et encore en Sarge ?
Tu n’as pas ce type de package dans tes sources ?
kernel-source-2.6.10 - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.10 with Debian patches
–>with Debian patches
Sinon tu dupliques les entrées de ton sources.list pour avoir les sources pour Sarge et pour Sid.
Il y a déjà un certain nombre de patches Debian inclus dans le kernel-source livré par Debian. Sinon, tu cherches un patche particulier ?
Que te donne la commande suivante, chez toi ?
jeannot@burp:~$ apt-cache search "^kernel-patch" | sort
kernel-patch-2.2.25-m68k - Diffs to the kernel source for m68k
kernel-patch-2.4-bluez - Linux Bluetooth protocol stack kernel patches
kernel-patch-2.4-cobalt - Kernel patch for Cobalt(Sun) Linux servers (RaQ and Qube)
kernel-patch-2.4-fasttraks150 - PROMISE FastTrak S150 TX Series Linux Drivers (for Linux 2.4)
kernel-patch-2.4-grsecurity - grsecurity kernel patch - 2.4.x security patch
kernel-patch-2.4-i2c - Drivers for the i2c bus
kernel-patch-2.4-kgdb - GDB debugging for the kernel
kernel-patch-2.4-lids - LIDS Kernel Patch
kernel-patch-2.4-lm-sensors - drivers to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
kernel-patch-2.4-lowlatency - Reduces the latency of the Linux kernel
kernel-patch-2.4-preempt - Reduces the latency of the Linux kernel
kernel-patch-2.4-supermount-ng - Automatically mount and unmount removable media
kernel-patch-2.4.19-arm - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.4.19 for ARM
kernel-patch-2.4.27-arm - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.4.27 for ARM
kernel-patch-2.4.27-hppa - Diffs to the kernel source for PA-RISC
kernel-patch-2.4.27-ia64 - Diffs to the kernel source for Itanium
kernel-patch-2.4.27-m68k - Diffs to the kernel source for m68k
kernel-patch-2.4.27-s390 - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.4.27 for IBM S/390 and zSeries
kernel-patch-2.6-bluez - Linux Bluetooth protocol stack kernel patches
kernel-patch-2.6-cman - Cluster manager - kernel patch
kernel-patch-2.6-dlm - Distributed lock manager - kernel patch
kernel-patch-2.6-gfs - Global File System - kernel patch
kernel-patch-2.6-gnbd - Global network block device - kernel patch
kernel-patch-2.6-reiser4 - Kernel patches for Reiser4 FS
kernel-patch-2.6.10-hppa - Diffs to the kernel source for HP PA-RISC (2.6)
kernel-patch-2.6.10-s390 - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.6.10 for IBM S/390 and zSeries
kernel-patch-2.6.8-hppa - Diffs to the kernel source for HP PA-RISC (2.6)
kernel-patch-2.6.8-m68k - Diffs to the kernel source for m68k
kernel-patch-2.6.8-s390 - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.6.8 for IBM S/390 and zSeries
kernel-patch-acl - Extended attributes, and ACL kernel-patches for ext2/ext3
kernel-patch-adamantix - Kernel patches introduced in Adamantix
kernel-patch-adeos - ADEOS nanokernel for sharing hardware resources
kernel-patch-atopacct - save additional statistical counters for atop in the record
kernel-patch-atopcnt - additional statistical counters for atop
kernel-patch-badram - Kernel patch allowing to use partly-bad RAM modules
kernel-patch-cryptoloop - CryptoAPI's Cryptoloop Module
kernel-patch-ctx - virtual private servers and security contexts kernel patch
kernel-patch-debian-2.4.24 - Debian patches to Linux 2.4.24
kernel-patch-debian-2.4.25 - Debian patches to Linux 2.4.25
kernel-patch-debian-2.4.26 - Debian patches to Linux 2.4.26
kernel-patch-debian-2.4.27 - Debian patches to Linux 2.4.27
kernel-patch-debian-2.6.10 - Debian patches to Linux 2.6.10
kernel-patch-debian-2.6.8 - Debian patches to Linux 2.6.8
kernel-patch-debianlogo - Display a Debian logo on a framebuffer device at boottime
kernel-patch-device-mapper - The Linux Kernel Device Mapper kernel patch
kernel-patch-enbd - Enhanced Network Block Device support kernel patch
kernel-patch-evms - Enterprise Volume Management System (kernel patches)
kernel-patch-exec-shield - Protection against stack smashing and other attacks.
kernel-patch-freeswan - IPSEC kernel support for FreeSWan
kernel-patch-gcov - Linux Kernel Coverage patch
kernel-patch-grsecurity2 - grsecurity kernel patch - new major upstream version
kernel-patch-kdb - Builtin kernel debugger
kernel-patch-lkcd - linux Kernel Crash Dump - kernel patch
kernel-patch-lowlatency-2.4 - Dummy package providing kernel-patch-2.4-lowlatency
kernel-patch-ltt - Linux Trace Toolkit - kernel patch
kernel-patch-misdn - Kernel patch adding the mISDN drivers to the kernel tree
kernel-patch-mppe - MPPE Encryption for PPP
kernel-patch-nfs-ngroups - Client-side bypassing of ngroups limitation in NFS protocol
kernel-patch-nfs-swap - patch to linux to enable swapping over nfs
kernel-patch-openmosix - Kernel patch for openmosix
kernel-patch-openswan - IPSEC kernel support for Openswan
kernel-patch-powerpc-2.4.27 - diffs to the kernel source for PowerPC
kernel-patch-ppscsi-2.4 - patch to support SCSI emulation over parallel port
kernel-patch-ppscsi-2.6 - patch to support SCSI emulation over parallel port
kernel-patch-preempt-2.4 - Dummy package providing kernel-patch-2.4-preempt
kernel-patch-psd - In-kernel Portscan Detector
kernel-patch-quota - Netfilter QUOTA support patch
kernel-patch-redhat - Redhat patch to the kernel
kernel-patch-relayfs - High-Speed Data Relay Filesystem
kernel-patch-scanlogic - Patch to Linux USB to get ScanLogic's USB-IDE Adapters to work
kernel-patch-scripts - Scripts to help dealing with packaged kernel patches
kernel-patch-scsi-idle - Kernel patch to spin up SCSI drives on access
kernel-patch-skas - Separate Kernel Address Space patch
kernel-patch-speakup - A screen review package for the Linux kernel
kernel-patch-systrace - Systrace kernel patch
kernel-patch-tekram-dc3x5 - Tekram SCSI host DC3x5 support
kernel-patch-time - Netfilter time match patch
kernel-patch-ttl - TTL matching and setting
kernel-patch-uml - User-mode Linux (kernel patch)
kernel-patch-usagi - Another IPv6 implementation for Linux
kernel-patch-wrr - Extension to traffic Control/network bandwidth management
kernel-patch-xen - patch to linux for the XEN sub-arch
Apparemment, pas mal de patches quand m^ ont l’air d’être présents, non ?
ricardo7@debian:~$ apt-cache search "^kernel-patch" | sort
kernel-patch-2.2.25-m68k - Diffs to the kernel source for m68k
kernel-patch-2.4.19-arm - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.4.19 for ARM
kernel-patch-2.4.27-arm - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.4.27 for ARM
kernel-patch-2.4.27-hppa - Diffs to the kernel source for PA-RISC
kernel-patch-2.4.27-ia64 - Diffs to the kernel source for Itanium
kernel-patch-2.4.27-m68k - Diffs to the kernel source for m68k
kernel-patch-2.4.27-s390 - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.4.27 for IBM S/390 and zSeries
kernel-patch-2.4-bluez - Linux Bluetooth protocol stack kernel patches
kernel-patch-2.4-cobalt - Kernel patch for Cobalt(Sun) Linux servers (RaQ and Qube)
kernel-patch-2.4-fasttraks150 - PROMISE FastTrak S150 TX Series Linux Drivers (for Linux 2.4)
kernel-patch-2.4-grsecurity - grsecurity kernel patch - 2.4.x security patch
kernel-patch-2.4-i2c - Drivers for the i2c bus
kernel-patch-2.4-kgdb - GDB debugging for the kernel
kernel-patch-2.4-lm-sensors - drivers to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
kernel-patch-2.4-lowlatency - Reduces the latency of the Linux kernel
kernel-patch-2.4-preempt - Reduces the latency of the Linux kernel
kernel-patch-2.4-supermount-ng - Automatically mount and unmount removable media
kernel-patch-2.6.10-hppa - Diffs to the kernel source for HP PA-RISC (2.6)
kernel-patch-2.6.10-s390 - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.6.10 for IBM S/390 and zSeries
kernel-patch-2.6.8-hppa - Diffs to the kernel source for HP PA-RISC (2.6)
kernel-patch-2.6.8-m68k - Diffs to the kernel source for m68k
kernel-patch-2.6.8-s390 - Diffs to the Linux kernel source 2.6.8 for IBM S/390 and zSeries
kernel-patch-2.6-bluez - Linux Bluetooth protocol stack kernel patches
kernel-patch-2.6-reiser4 - Kernel patches for Reiser4 FS
kernel-patch-adamantix - Kernel patches introduced in Adamantix
kernel-patch-adeos - ADEOS nanokernel for sharing hardware resources
kernel-patch-atopacct - save additional statistical counters for atop in the record
kernel-patch-atopcnt - additional statistical counters for atop
kernel-patch-badram - Kernel patch allowing to use partly-bad RAM modules
kernel-patch-cryptoloop - CryptoAPI's Cryptoloop Module
kernel-patch-ctx - Virtual private servers and security contexts kernel patch
kernel-patch-debian-2.4.27 - Debian patches to Linux 2.4.27
kernel-patch-debian-2.6.8 - Debian patches to Linux 2.6.8
kernel-patch-evms - Enterprise Volume Management System (kernel patches)
kernel-patch-freeswan - IPSEC kernel support for FreeSWan
kernel-patch-gcov - Linux Kernel Coverage patch
kernel-patch-grsecurity2 - grsecurity kernel patch - new major upstream version
kernel-patch-kdb - Builtin kernel debugger
kernel-patch-lkcd - linux Kernel Crash Dump - kernel patch
kernel-patch-lowlatency-2.4 - Dummy package providing kernel-patch-2.4-lowlatency
kernel-patch-ltt - Linux Trace Toolkit - kernel patch
kernel-patch-misdn - Kernel patch adding the mISDN drivers to the kernel tree
kernel-patch-mppe - MPPE Encryption for PPP
kernel-patch-nfs-ngroups - Client-side bypassing of ngroups limitation in NFS protocol
kernel-patch-powerpc-2.4.27 - diffs to the kernel source for PowerPC
kernel-patch-ppscsi-2.4 - patch to support SCSI emulation over parallel port
kernel-patch-ppscsi-2.6 - patch to support SCSI emulation over parallel port
kernel-patch-preempt-2.4 - Dummy package providing kernel-patch-2.4-preempt
kernel-patch-psd - In-kernel Portscan Detector
kernel-patch-quota - Netfilter QUOTA support patch
kernel-patch-relayfs - High-Speed Data Relay Filesystem
kernel-patch-scripts - Scripts to help dealing with packaged kernel patches
kernel-patch-scsi-idle - Kernel patch to spin up SCSI drives on access
kernel-patch-skas - Separate Kernel Address Space patch
kernel-patch-speakup - A screen review package for the Linux kernel
kernel-patch-systrace - Systrace kernel patch
kernel-patch-tekram-dc3x5 - Tekram SCSI host DC3x5 support
kernel-patch-time - Netfilter time match patch
kernel-patch-ttl - TTL matching and setting
kernel-patch-usagi - Another IPv6 implementation for Linux
kernel-patch-wrr - Extension to traffic Control/network bandwidth management
Je vois que tu as super mount, tu es content de ce système ?
Euh … Je crois qu’on s’est mal compris !
Ce que j’ai listé plus haut, c’est tout ce qui est dans mon cache mais ca n’est pas forcément installé, la preuve :
[quote]burp:/etc# dpkg -l | grep “kernel-patch*” | sort
Rien de tout ça sur mon système !
Jusqu’à maintenant, je me suis contenté des patches inclus par défaut dans le kernel debian. Jamais eu besoin d’y mettre autre chose.
Mais franchement, je pense que ca vaudrait la peine de se pencher sur le problème, sûr qu’il y aurait pas mal d’optimisations possibles.
Connais pas …
En fait, je l’utilise pas sous linux mais il est installé par défaut sur certaines machines, au boulot (sur Unix Solaris) et je dois dire que je le vire systématiquement tant c’est une source de problème… Mais peut-être que ca marche mieux sous linux, il faudra que j’essaye un de ces jours
En effet, j’avais mal compris mais je suis loin de connaître ttes les commandes.
J’en suis donc comme toi : 0 patchs mais je viens de compiler, il y a peu de tps, la 2.6.10 et je suppose que ts les patches que l’on voit et qui sont antérieurs doivent y être inclus, non ?