Dans les petits jeux sympa que j’ai pu tester, je retiens surtout Which Way Is Up ? (paquet whichwayisup).
Sinon, un lot de jeux classiques que j’utilise régulièrement pour tuer le temps : gnome-games
[quote=“aptitude show gnome-games”] The package contains the following games:
- aisleriot - different solitaire card games
- blackjack - the casino card game
- glchess - chess game with 3D graphics
- glines - color lines game, aka fiveormore
- gnect - four in a row game
- gnibbles - snake game, up to four players
- gnobots2 - improved old BSD robots game
- gnome-sudoku - Sudoku puzzle
- gnometris - Tetris, the popular Russian game
- gnomine - popular minesweeper puzzle game
- gnotravex - puzzle where you match tile edges together
- gnotski - klotski puzzle game
- gtali - sort of poker with dice and less money
- iagno - the popular Othello game
- mahjongg - classic Eastern tile game
- same-gnome - remove as many balls in as few moves as possible[/quote]