Lire de la musique à distance

Bonjour, voila j’ai un problème:

Je dispose d’ un ordinateur fixe sous Debian sid ou j’ai installé un server ssh.
Et un eeePC sur Debian Lenny sur lequel j’ai installé un client ssh.

Je n’est aucun problème pour me connecter sur ma tour, j’utilise l’option -X pour pouvoir utiliser mes applications graphiques à distance.
Cela marche parfaitement bien a par une chose: le son
En effet lorsque je lance par exemple exaile ou mplayer à partir du client connecter au server, et que je lance la lecture d’une chanson, le son sort des baffes connecter a la tour (server), hors ce que je veut c’est pouvoir ecouter de la musique qui est stoker dans ma tour (server) sur mon eeePC (client). ( que le son sorte du eeepc et pas de la tour )

Quelqu’un a t’il une solution ?

Merci d’avance

Bonjour, installe mpd sur le serveur et mpc sur le portable.

application ssh c’est une prise de contrôle de ton serveur
donc tout est exécute sur le serveur

il suffit de donner un partage samba du dossier “music” sur le serveur et accéder depuis le eeepc

Oui, mais dès qu’il sortira du local, ça ne sera plus valable.

ah oui,il y a distance et distance, la c’est plus compliqué
fuse, sftp?
xmms2 fait aussi serveur mais pour l’accès internet…

et avec rythmbox en partage de musique?
sur ton serveur tu fais partage de musique et sur ton client tu ouvres rythmbox et tu devrais voir ta musique partagée et là je pense que le son sortira de ton eeepc.

au pire, c’est pas grave, tu te raproche de ta tour pour écouter ta musique…

Alors j’ai tester mpd , mais sa revient au même. malgré le fait que le client est sur le portable …
Tu peut me donner un mpd.conf qui correspondrai à mes besoins ? ou s’en approcherez ?


Les tutos que j’ai trouver ne sont pas assez fournis au niveau de la musique a distance, et le man mpd.conf est en anglais …

Bonjour, voila mon ~/.mpdconf, il est presque semblable à celui fournit par defaut :[code]# An example configuration file for MPD

See the mpd.conf man page for a more detailed description of each parameter.

######################## REQUIRED PATHS ########################

You can put symlinks in here, if you like. Make sure that

the user that mpd runs as (see the ‘user’ config parameter)

can read the files in this directory.

#music_directory "/var/lib/mpd/music"
music_directory "/home/x/musique"
playlist_directory "/home/x/.mpd/playlists"
db_file "/home/x/.mpd/mpd.db"
log_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"
error_file “/var/log/mpd/errors.log”

######################## OPTIONAL PATHS ########################

If you wish to use mpd --kill to stop MPD, then you must

specify a file here in which to store MPD’s process ID.

pid_file “/var/run/mpd/pid”

If specified, MPD will save its current state (playlist,

current song, playing/paused, etc.) at exit. This will be

used to restore the session the next time it is run.

state_file “/home/x/.mpd/state”


######################## DAEMON OPTIONS ########################

If started as root, MPD will drop root privileges and run as

this user instead. Otherwise, MPD will run as the user it was

started by. If left unspecified, MPD will not drop root

privileges at all (not recommended).

user “mpd”

The address and port to listen on.

bind_to_address ""
port “6600”

If the address is a path, then a UNIX domain socket will be

created instead of listening on a TCP port.

#bind_to_address “/var/run/mpd/sock”

Controls the amount of information that is logged. Can be

“default”, “secure”, or “verbose”.

#log_level “default”


########################### ZEROCONF ###########################

If yes, service information will be published with Zeroconf.

#zeroconf_enabled “yes”

The service name to publish. This name should be unique on

your local network.

#zeroconf_name “Music Player”


########################## PERMISSIONS #########################

MPD can require that users specify a password before using it.

You may specify one ore more here, along with what users who

log in with that password are allowed to do.

#password “password@read,add,control,admin”

Specifies what permissions a user who has not logged in with a

password has. By default, all users have full access to MPD

if no password is specified above, or no access if one or

more passwords are specified.

#default_permissions “read,add,control,admin”


########################## AUDIO OUTPUT ########################

MPD supports many audio output types, as well as playing

through multiple audio outputs at the same time. You can

specify one or more here. If you don’t specify any, MPD will

automatically scan for a usable audio output.


for examples of other audio outputs.

An example of an ALSA output:

audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "My ALSA Device"
device “hw:0,0” # optional
format “44100:16:2” # optional

An example of an OSS output:

#audio_output {

type “oss”

name “My OSS Device”

device “/dev/dsp” # optional

format “44100:16:2” # optional


An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):

#audio_output {

type “shout”

encoding “ogg” # optional

name “My Shout Stream”

host “localhost”

port “8000”

mount “/mpd.ogg”

password “hackme”

quality “5.0”

bitrate “128”

format “44100:16:1”

user “source” # optional

description “My Stream Description” # optional

genre “jazz” # optional

public “no” # optional

timeout “2” # optional


An example of a null output (for no audio output):

#audio_output {

type “null”

name “My Null Output”


Force all decoded audio to be converted to this format before

being passed to the audio outputs.

#audio_output_format “44100:16:2”

If MPD has been compiled with libsamplerate support, this

specifies the sample rate converter to use. Possible

values can be found in the mpd.conf man page or the

libsamplerate documentation.

#samplerate_converter “Fastest Sinc Interpolator”


############################# MIXER ############################

MPD needs to know what mixer settings to change when you

adjust the volume. If you don’t specify one here, MPD will

pick one based on which ones it was compiled with support for.

An example for controlling an ALSA mixer:

mixer_type "alsa"
mixer_device "default"
mixer_control “PCM”

An example for controlling an OSS mixer:

#mixer_type “oss”
#mixer_device “/dev/mixer”
#mixer_control “PCM”

If you want MPD to adjust the volume of audio sent to the

audio outputs, you can tell it to use the software mixer:

#mixer_type “software”


######################### NORMALIZATION ########################

Specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. Can be “album” or

“track”. ReplayGain will not be used if not specified. See for more details.

#replaygain “album”

Sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags.

#replaygain_preamp “0”

Enable on the fly volume normalization. This will cause the

volume of all songs played to be adjusted so that they sound

as though they are of equal loudness.

volume_normalization “no”


########################### BUFFERING ##########################

The size of the buffer containing decoded audio. You probably

shouldn’t change this.

#audio_buffer_size “2048”

How much of the buffer to fill before beginning to play.

Increase this if you hear skipping when changing songs.

#buffer_before_play “10%”

Similar options for the HTTP stream buffer. If you hear

skipping while playing HTTP streams, you may wish to increase


#http_buffer_size “128”
#http_prebuffer_size “25%”


########################### HTTP PROXY #########################

Specifies the HTTP proxy to use for playing HTTP streams.
#http_proxy_port “8080”
#http_proxy_user “user”
#http_proxy_password “password”


############################# LIMITS ###########################

These are various limits to prevent MPD from using too many

resources. You should only change them if they start

restricting your usage of MPD.

#connection_timeout “60”
#max_connections “5”
#max_playlist_length “16384”
#max_command_list_size “2048”
#max_output_buffer_size “8192”


###################### CHARACTER ENCODINGS #####################

If file or directory names do not display correctly, then you

may need to change this. In most cases it should be either

“ISO-8859-1” or “UTF-8”. You must recreate your database

after changing this (use mpd --create-db).

filesystem_charset “UTF-8”

The encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.

id3v1_encoding “UTF-8”


######################### OTHER OPTIONS ########################

Try disabling this if you have MP3s which appear to end

abruptly. If this solves the problem, it is highly

recommended that you fix your MP3s with vbrfix (available from, at which

point you can re-enable support for gapless MP3 playback.

#gapless_mp3_playback “yes”

Enable this if you wish to use your MPD created playlists in

other music players.

#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists “no”

A list of tag types that MPD will scan for and make available

to clients.

#metadata_to_use “artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc”

################################################################[/code]Je ne garantis pas qu’il te sera utile.
Si sur la machine cliente tu rajoute l’ip:6600 du serveur dans la playlist, ce n’est pas suffisant?

Sa avance, tout d’abord merci pour vos réponses rapide.
Mais c’est toujours le même problème le son sort de la tour …
Je continue mes recherches

tu cherche à écouter la musique que chez toi (sur le eeepc) ou tu veux pouvoir y accéder depuis internet ?

Installes icecast, puis ajoute une sortie “shout” dans ton mpd.conf :

je cherche a écouter ma musique quand je ne suis pas chez moi , pour icecast je vais tester tous sa ce soir merci .