Man ne fonctionne plus qu'avec more


Quand je fais une commande du type man ls, j’ai accès au manuel de la commande ls. Le problème c’est que je ne peux plus faire de recherche ou circuler dans le man avec les flèches. J’ai l’impression qu’il m’affiche les pages du man avec unique un more.

Est que vous savez comment remettre l’interface par défaut ?

Je suis sur la version testing de debian et mon man est à la version 2.6.6



Ton pager ne serait-il pas [mono]more[/mono] au lieu de [mono]less[/mono] ?
$ man man

[code] -P pager, --pager=pager
Specify which output pager to use. By default, man uses pager -s. This option overrides the $MANPAGER environment variable, which in
turn overrides the $PAGER environment variable. It is not used in conjunction with -f or -k.

          The  value  may  be  a  simple command name or a command with arguments, and may use shell quoting (backslashes, single quotes, or double
          quotes).  It may not use pipes to connect multiple commands; if you need that, use a wrapper script, which may take the file  to  display
          either as an argument or on standard input.[/code] 

Exemple en précisant le pager [mono]less[/mono] pour consulter le manuel de [mono]more[/mono] :

$ man -P less more

Interactive commands for more are based on vi(1). Some commands may be preceded by a decimal number, called k in the descriptions below. In the
following descriptions, ^X means control-X.

 h or ?      Help: display a summary of these commands.  If you forget all the other commands, remember this one.

 SPACE       Display next k lines of text.  Defaults to current screen size.

 z           Display next k lines of text.  Defaults to current screen size.  Argument becomes new default.

 RETURN      Display next k lines of text.  Defaults to 1.  Argument becomes new default.

 d or ^D     Scroll k lines.  Default is current scroll size, initially 11.  Argument becomes new default.

 q or Q or INTERRUPT

 s           Skip forward k lines of text.  Defaults to 1.

 f           Skip forward k screenfuls of text.  Defaults to 1.

 b or ^B     Skip backwards k screenfuls of text.  Defaults to 1.  Only works with files, not pipes.

 '           Go to place where previous search started.

 =           Display current line number.

 /pattern    Search for kth occurrence of regular expression.  Defaults to 1.

 n           Search for kth occurrence of last r.e.  Defaults to 1.[/code] 

Remarque que le contrôle B ne passe pas partout («Only works with files, not pipes »).

Merci less n’était pas installé sur ma machine