serveurs sous linuxdebian
je cherche une application me permettant de mettre en ligne (en consultation http pour mes clients) l’avancement des étapes de réalisation (. type PERT Gantt mais très simple)
programme x = ligne1 redaction, ligne2 photo, ligne3 maquette, ligne4 imprimeur. Le tout sur un calendrier …
par ailleurs, Je fais des comptes FTP pour échanger les données. Mais il serait possible de coupler le calendrier et le téléchargement des données ?
Je suis graphiste pas informaticien …mais assez débrouillard avec un peu d’aide …
je vais me documenter mais quelques orientations permettent de gagner du temps merci. j suis aussipreneur des bonnes terminalogie: workflow, collaboratif, pour moi du workflow collaboratif programmé
emeraude:~/rtl8187/rtl8187_linux_26.1010.0622.2006$ aptitude search groupware
p egroupware - web-based groupware suite
p egroupware-addressbook - eGroupWare addressbook management application
p egroupware-bookmarks - eGroupWare bookmark management application
p egroupware-calendar - eGroupWare calendar management application
p egroupware-comic - eGroupWare comic strip application
p egroupware-core - eGroupWare core modules
p egroupware-developer-tools - eGroupWare developer tools
p egroupware-email - eGroupWare E-mail client application
p egroupware-emailadmin - eGroupWare E-mail user administration application
p egroupware-etemplate - widget-based template system for eGroupWare
p egroupware-felamimail - eGroupWare FeLaMiMail application
p egroupware-filemanager - eGroupWare file manager application
p egroupware-forum - eGroupWare forum application
p egroupware-ftp - eGroupWare FTP application
p egroupware-fudforum - eGroupWare FUDforum application
p egroupware-headlines - eGroupWare headlines catcher application
p egroupware-infolog - eGroupWare infolog application
p egroupware-jinn - content management system for eGroupWare
p egroupware-ldap - eGroupware LDAP support files
p egroupware-manual - eGroupWare manual
p egroupware-messenger - eGroupWare messenger application
p egroupware-mydms - eGroupWare document management system
p egroupware-news-admin - eGroupWare news administration interface
p egroupware-phpbrain - eGroupWare phpbrain application
p egroupware-phpldapadmin - eGroupWare phpLDAPadmin application
p egroupware-phpsysinfo - eGroupWare phpSysInfo application
p egroupware-polls - eGroupWare polling application
p egroupware-projectmanager - eGroupWare projects management application
p egroupware-projects - eGroupWare projects management application
p egroupware-registration - eGroupWare registration application
p egroupware-resources - eGroupWare resource manager application
p egroupware-sambaadmin - eGroupWare Samba administration application
p egroupware-sitemgr - eGroupWare site manager application
p egroupware-stocks - eGroupWare stock management application
p egroupware-timesheet - eGroupWare timesheet application
p egroupware-tts - eGroupWare trouble ticket system application
p egroupware-wiki - eGroupWare wiki application
p egroupware-workflow - eGroupWare workflow application
p phpgroupware - web based groupware system written in PHP
p phpgroupware-addressbook - phpGroupWare addressbook management module
p phpgroupware-admin - phpGroupWare administration module
v phpgroupware-api -
v phpgroupware-api-doc -
p phpgroupware-bookmarks - phpGroupWare bookmark management module
p phpgroupware-calendar - phpGroupWare calendar management module
p phpgroupware-chat - phpGroupWare chat module
p phpgroupware-comic - phpGroupWare comic strip parser module
p phpgroupware-core - empty transitional package for phpGroupWare
v phpgroupware-core-doc -
p phpgroupware-developer-tools - phpGroupWare developer tools
p phpgroupware-dj - phpGroupWare mp3 database interface module
p phpgroupware-eldaptir - phpGroupWare LDAP tree editor module
p phpgroupware-email - phpGroupWare E-Mail client module
p phpgroupware-etemplate - phpGroupWare etemplate module
p phpgroupware-felamimail - phpGroupWare felamimail (Squirrelmail) module
p phpgroupware-filemanager - phpGroupWare filemanager module
p phpgroupware-folders - phpGroupWare folders module
p phpgroupware-forum - phpGroupWare forum module
p phpgroupware-ftp - phpGroupWare ftp module
p phpgroupware-fudforum - phpGroupWare fudforum module
p phpgroupware-headlines - phpGroupWare headlines catcher module
p phpgroupware-hr - phpGroupWare human resource management module
p phpgroupware-img - phpGroupWare image editor module
p phpgroupware-infolog - phpGroupWare infolog applcation
p phpgroupware-manual - phpGroupWare on-line manual module
p phpgroupware-messenger - phpGroupWare messenger module
p phpgroupware-napster - The phpGroupWare Napster interface module
p phpgroupware-news-admin - phpGroupWare news administration interface
p phpgroupware-nntp - phpGroupWare newsgroup reader module
p phpgroupware-notes - phpGroupWare notes management module
p phpgroupware-phonelog - phpGroupWare phone logging module
p phpgroupware-phpbrain - phpGroupWare phpbrain module
p phpgroupware-phpgwapi - library of common phpGroupWare functions
p phpgroupware-phpsysinfo - phpGroupWare phpSysInfo module
p phpgroupware-polls - phpGroupWare polling module
p phpgroupware-preferences - phpGroupWare preferences management module
p phpgroupware-projects - phpGroupWare projects management module
p phpgroupware-qmailldap - phpGroupWare qmailldap module
p phpgroupware-registration - phpGroupWare registration module
p phpgroupware-setup - phpGroupWare setup III module
p phpgroupware-sitemgr - phpGroupWare web content manager
p phpgroupware-skel - phpGroupWare skeleton module
p phpgroupware-soap - phpGroupWare SOAP module
p phpgroupware-stocks - phpGroupWare stock management module
p phpgroupware-todo - phpGroupWare todo list management module
p phpgroupware-tts - phpGroupWare tts module
p phpgroupware-wiki - phpGroupWare wiki module
p phpgroupware-xmlrpc - phpGroupWare XMLRPC module