Passerelle irc avec prosody

J’ai installé prosody sur mon serveur, et j’aimerais y ajouter une passerelle irc.
Étant donné qu’il n’y a pas foule pour faire ce genre de choses dans les dépots, j’ai installé le paquet jabber-irc.

Cependant, ça ne fonctionne pas comme je veux. Voici ce qui apparaît dans les logs de prosody lorsque je cherche avec un client les services du serveur :

Bien sûr, je n’arrive pas à utiliser la passerelle.
Et comme jabber-irc est très peu documenté sur la toile, j’ai du mal à comprendre.

En fouillant dans /usr/share/doc, j’ai pu comprendre que je pouvais configurer jabber-irc en éditant le fichier /etc/pyirct.conf.xml. Voici à quoi il ressemble désormais :

[code]<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!-- The JabberID of the transport -->

<!-- The component JID of the transport. Unless you're doing clustering, leave this alone -->
<!-- <compjid>irc1</compjid> -->

<!-- The public IP or DNS name of the machine the transport is running on -->
<!-- This is used to select the outgoing IP address used to connect to IRC networks -->
<!--  otherwise known as the vanity address, it's safe to leave it commented -->

<!-- The name of the transport in the service discovery list. -->
<discoName>IRC Transport youpi</discoName>

<!-- The location of the spool file.. if relative, relative to the PyIRCt dir. -->
<!-- Include the jid of the transport, if running multiple copies of the same transport -->

<!-- The location of the PID file, relative to the PyIRCt directory -->
<!-- Comment out if you do not want a PID file -->

<!-- The IP address or DNS name of the main Jabber server -->

<!-- The JID of the main Jabber server -->

<!-- The TCP port to connect to the Jabber server on (this is the default for Jabberd2) -->

<!-- The authentication token to use when connecting to the Jabber server -->

<!-- SASL username used to bind to Jabber server. -->
<!-- secret, above, is used for sasl password -->

<!-- Require users to be registered before allowing them to join a room -->
<!-- <requireRegister/> -->

<!-- Send activity messages to users (for clients that don't support MUC)  -->

<!-- Use external component binding. -->
<!-- This dodges the need to manually configure all jids that talk to this transport. -->
<!-- Jabberd2 requires saslUsername and useRouteWrap for this to work. -->
<!-- Wildfire as of 2.6.0 requires just this. -->

<!-- Wrap stanzas in <route> stanza. -->
<!-- Jabberd2 requires this for useComponentBinding. -->

<!-- You can choose which users you wish to have as administrators. These users can perform some tasks with Ad-Hoc commands that others cannot -->

<!-- The file to log to. Leave this disabled for stdout only -->

<!-- Show the raw data being sent and received from the xmpp and irc servers -->

<!-- The default charset to use for the transport, if not supplied by the user when registering -->
<!-- <charset>utf-8</charset> -->

Quand au fichier de configuration de prosody, il contient bien sûr :

Component "" component_secret = "secret"

Que puis-je faire?

Problème résolu : jabber-irc ne démarrait simplement pas, dû à un souci dans le script de démarrage /etc/init.d/jabber-irc