
Bonjour à tous.

Je suis en train d’installer squidfire, j’ai cependant un pb: voilà ce que j’obtient quand je lance dans “iceweasel”

quote Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /proxy/log/squidfire-1.3.0/cache.inc.php on line 154
Call Stack

Time Memory Function Location

1 0.0000 53476 {main}( ) …/index.php:0
2 0.0029 64324 get_log_cache( ) …/index.php:92
3 0.0048 66252 create_log_cache( ) …/cache.inc.php:37
4 0.0048 66772 get_start_date( ) …/cache.inc.php:71[/quote]

Ci joint le fichier en question “/proxy/log/squidfire-1.3.0/cache.inc.php”

// If the modificaiton times don’t match then grab the first and last record of
// the log to figure out the date range it reports on. Else just include the cache file.
// Now we look at the first 5 records in case there is some junk at the top or bottom of
// the log file.

function get_log_cache($logpath, $logfile){
global $cachepath;
global $cacheversion;
global $error;
$log_md5 = ‘’;

 // If the log isn't readable, don't want to display the From/To info
 if ( is_readable($logpath.$logfile) ){
    // Get a MD5 signature based on the last 10k bytes of the log file.
    $log_tail = `/usr/bin/tail -c 10240 $logpath$logfile`;
    $log_md5 = md5($log_tail);
    $error .= "<li>Log file isn't readable.";
    $error .= "  <ol>\n";
    $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>".$logpath.$logfile.'.inc'."</span>] is readable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
    $error .= "  </ol>\n";
    $error .= "</li>\n";

 // Include the cached log information if it exists.
 if (file_exists($cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc')){
    $cache_md5 = 'unknown';

 // If the cached log information doesn't match the current log then re-build the cache.
 if ($log_md5 <> $cache_md5){
    create_log_cache($logpath, $logfile, $log_md5, $error);
    if ( (file_exists($cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc')) AND  (is_readable($cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc')) ){
       $error .= "<li>Cache file isn't readable.";
       $error .= "  <ol>\n";
       $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>".$cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc'."</span>] is readable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
       $error .= "  </ol>\n";
       $error .= "</li>\n";

 echo "    <tr>\n";
 echo "      <td class=\"loglist\">\n";
 echo "        $cache_from\n";
 echo "      </td>\n";
 echo "      <td class=\"loglist\">\n";
 echo "        $cache_to\n";
 echo "      </td>\n";
 echo "      <td align=right>\n";
 echo "        ".number_format($cache_totalrows, 0)."\n";
 echo "      </td>\n";
 echo "      <td class=\"loglist\">\n";
 echo "        <a href=".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?log=".urlencode($logfile).">$logfile</a>\n";
 echo "      </td>\n";
 echo "    </tr>\n";


function create_log_cache($logpath, $logfile, $log_md5, &$error){
global $cachepath;
global $cacheversion;
$logcache = ‘’;

 $from = get_start_date($logpath.$logfile, $error);
 $to = get_end_date($logpath.$logfile, $error);
 $totalrows = get_total_rows($logpath.$logfile, $error);

 if ( (strtolower($to) <> "unknown") AND (strtolower($from) <> "unknown") ){
    if (is_writable($cachepath)){
       if (is_writable($cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc')){
          if (!$fhandle = fopen($cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc', 'w')) {
             $error .= "<li>Couldn't open cache file in write mode.";
             $error .= "  <ol>\n";
             $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>".$cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc'."</span>] is writeable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
             $error .= "  </ol>\n";
             $error .= "</li>\n";
             $logcache .= "<?php\n";
             $logcache .= "  \$cache_from = '$from';\n";
             $logcache .= "  \$cache_to = '$to';\n";
             $logcache .= "  \$cache_md5 = '$log_md5';\n";
             $logcache .= "  \$cache_totalrows = '$totalrows';\n";                  
             $logcache .= "?>";
             if (!fwrite($fhandle, $logcache)) {
                $error .= "<li>Couldn't write data to cache file [".$cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc'."</span>]\n";
                $error .= "  <ol>\n";
                $error .= "    <li>Check that the disk is not full</li>\n";
                $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>".$cachepath.$logpath.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc'."</span>] is writeable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
                $error .= "  </ol>\n";
                $error .= "</li>\n";
          $error .= "<li>Couldn't open cache file in write mode.";
          $error .= "  <ol>\n";
          $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>".$cachepath.$logfile.'_'.$cacheversion.'.inc'."</span>] is writeable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
          $error .= "  </ol>\n";
          $error .= "</li>\n";
       $error .= "<li>Cache path isn't writeable.";
       $error .= "  <ol>\n";
       $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>$cachepath</span>] is writeable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
       $error .= "  </ol>\n";
       $error .= "</li>\n";


function get_start_date($logpath,&$error){
global $dateformat;

 if ( !is_readable($logpath)){
    $error .= "<li>Log file isn't readable.";
    $error .= "  <ol>\n";
    $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>$logpath</span>] is readable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
    $error .= "  </ol>\n";
    $error .= "</li>\n";
if (strtolower(substr($logpath, strlen($logpath)-3, 3)) == ".gz"){
       if (function_exists("gzopen")){
          $loghandle = gzopen($logpath, "r");
          $readfunction = "gzgets";
          $closefunction = "gzclose";
          $error .= "<li>Unable to open compressed log file.\n";
          $error .= "  <ol>\n";
          $error .= "    <li>Unable to open [".$logpath.$log."] because PHP was not compiled with the --with-zlib option.</li>";
          $error .= "  </ol>\n";
          $error .= "</li>\n";
       $loghandle = fopen($logpath, "r");
       $readfunction = "fgets";
       $closefunction = "fclose";

 $from = '';
 for ($y=0;$y<5;$y++){
     if ($from == ''){
        $rawrow = $readfunction($loghandle, 10240);
        $row =  parse_log_row($rawrow);
        $from = $row['date'];
        if (date('Y', $from) < 1971){
           $from = '';

 if ($from == ''){
 	  $from	= "Unknown";
 	  $from	= date($dateformat, $from);

 return $from;


function get_end_date($logpath, &$error){
global $dateformat;

 if ( !is_readable($logpath)){
    $error .= "<li>Log file isn't readable.";
    $error .= "  <ol>\n";
    $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>$logpath</span>] is readable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
    $error .= "  </ol>\n";
    $error .= "</li>\n";
if (strtolower(substr($logpath, strlen($logpath)-3, 3)) == ".gz"){
        exec("gzip -c -d $logpath |tail -n 5", $s3);
        exec("/usr/bin/tail -n 5 ".$logpath, $s3);

 $to = '';
 for ($y=count($s3)-1;$y>-1;$y--){
	   if ($to == ''){
       $row = parse_log_row($s3[$y]);
	      $to =  $row['date'];
	      if (date('Y', $to) < 1971){
	       	 $to = '';
 if ($to == ''){
 	  $to =	"Unknown";
 	  $to =	date($dateformat, $to);

 return $to;


function get_total_rows($logpath, &$error){
$totalrows = 0;

 if ( !is_readable($logpath)){
    $error .= "<li>Log file isn't readable.";
    $error .= "  <ol>\n";
    $error .= "    <li>Check that [<span>$logpath</span>] is readable by the user [<span>".trim(`whoami`)."</span>]</li>\n";
    $error .= "  </ol>\n";
    $error .= "</li>\n";
if (strtolower(substr($logpath, strlen($logpath)-3, 3)) == ".gz"){
        $totalrows = rtrim(`gzip -c -d $logpath |wc -l`);
        $totalrows = rtrim(`cat $logpath |wc -l`);
 return $totalrows;



Quelqu’un pourrait il maider because je ne comprends rien en PHP?


Dit donc, ton SquidFire… il n’a pas eu de mise à jour depuis juin 2004… ça fait quand même pas mal non ?
Tu es sur que c’est une bonne idée ?

Pourquoi ne pas essayer squid-cgi (ou squid3-cgi) ? C’est dans les dépôts, ça fera peut-être ce que tu cherche…