J’ai perdu le nom du fichier où est stocké le niveau originel !
Merci d’avance
J’ai perdu le nom du fichier où est stocké le niveau originel !
Merci d’avance
base-files: /etc/debian_version
Q. I upgraded my system to the testing distribution and now my /etc/issue
says “jessie/sid”. Should it not read “jessie” or “testing”?
Q. I upgraded my system to the unstable distribution and now my /etc/issue
says “jessie/sid”. Should it not read “sid” or “unstable”?
A. That would be nice, but it is not possible because of the way the
testing distribution works. Packages uploaded for unstable reach
testing after ten days, provided they are built for every released
architecture, have no RC-bugs and their dependencies may be met in
testing. You should consider the testing and unstable distributions as
two sides of the same coin. Since the base-files package in testing
was initially uploaded for unstable, the only sensible /etc/issue to
have is one that is both valid for testing and unstable, hence
"jessie/sid" (or whatever is appropriate).
Q. Why “jessie/sid” and not “testing/unstable” as it used to be?
A. The codename is a little bit more informative, as the meaning of
"testing" changes over time.
Q. Ok, but how do I know which distribution I’m running?
A. If you are running testing or unstable, then /etc/debian_version is
not a reliable way to know that anymore. Looking at the contents of
your /etc/apt/sources.list file is probably a much better way.[/code]
Sur une installation n’ayant pas connu les affres du mélange de sources, /etc/debian_version ne prête pas à équivoque. Si tu mélanges les sources, /etc/debian_version n’est pas un indicateur fiable ( voir /etc/apt/sources.list).
Je m’étonnais, simplement de ne pas voir passer beaucoup de mises à jour et je finissais par mettre en doute mon statut de SID