Voilà le résultat des commandes proposées:
dom2013@debian:~$ aptitude show weboob
Paquet : weboob
État: installé
Automatiquement installé: non
Version : 0.c-4.1
Priorité : optionnel
Section : python
Responsable : Romain Bignon
Architecture : all
Taille décompressée : 842 k
Dépend: python2.7 | python2.6, python (>= 2.6.6-7~), python (< 2.
python-weboob-core (>= 0.c-4.1), python-html2text, python-prettytable
Casse: boobank (< 0.a-2), boobmsg (< 0.a-2), chatoob (< 0.a-2), galleroob (<
0.a-2), geolooc (< 0.a-2), havesex (< 0.a-2), monboob (< 0.a-2), pastoob
(< 0.a-2), radioob (< 0.a-2), traveloob (< 0.a-2), videoob (< 0.a-2),
webcontentedit (< 0.a-2), weboorrents (< 0.a-2), wetboobs (< 0.a-2)
Remplace: boobank (< 0.a-2), boobmsg (< 0.a-2), chatoob (< 0.a-2), galleroob (<
0.a-2), geolooc (< 0.a-2), havesex (< 0.a-2), monboob (< 0.a-2),
pastoob (< 0.a-2), radioob (< 0.a-2), traveloob (< 0.a-2), videoob (<
0.a-2), webcontentedit (< 0.a-2), weboorrents (< 0.a-2), wetboobs (<
dom2013@debian:~$ weboob-config update
=== [ 0%] Getting
=== [ 12%] The last version of ecrans is already installed
=== [ 25%] The last version of arte is already installed
=== [ 38%] The last version of fourchan is already installed
=== [ 50%] The last version of lefigaro is already installed
=== [ 62%] The last version of radiofrance is already installed
=== [ 75%] The last version of youtube is already installed
=== [ 88%] The last version of minutes20 is already installed
=== [100%] The last version of newsfeed is already installed
C’est plutôt installé mais le résultat est le même; image fixe.
dom2013@debian:~$ qvideoob
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/weboob/applications/qvideoob/”, line 70, in mousePressEvent
video_widget = Video(video, self)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/weboob/applications/qvideoob/”, line 36, in init
TypeError: QLabel.setText(QString): argument 1 has unexpected type ‘NotLoadedMeta’
Les informations à côté de l’image sont les suivantes:
Title: Chewing-gum: le mystère des bulles de gomme
Duration: 0:52:22
Author not available
Rating 0
Where Arte
P.S.: c’est l’auteur qui est inconnu non le nom de l’émission que j’avais placé dans la cellule “search”.