en mode « debug » , log très très long mais avec la bonne heure , voici ce que j’ai pu trouver comme erreurs :
Server address is "/run/cups/cups.sock".
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:01 +0200] [Client 7] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:01 +0200] [Client 7] Waiting for request.
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:01 +0200] [Client 6] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe)
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:01 +0200] [Client 6] Closing connection.
[22/Aug/2021:17:23:04 +0200] [Job 27] Current allocation mode is local
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:04 +0200] [Job 27] Last OS error: Broken pipe
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:04 +0200] [Job 27] GPL Ghostscript 9.53.3: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
[22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] [Job 27] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the /var/log/cups/error_log file for details.
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] cupsdMarkDirty(----S)
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] [Job 27] The following messages were recorded from 17:23:05 to 17:23:05
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] [Job 27] hrDeviceDesc=\"Unknown\"
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] [Job 27] End of messages
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] [Job 27] printer-state=3(idle)
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] [Job 27] printer-state-message="Rendering completed"
D [22/Aug/2021:17:23:07 +0200] [Job 27] printer-state-reasons=none
au cas où : imprimante laser Ricoh SP-277Nwx
on dirait que erreur 32 ( broken pipe ) + Ghostscript sont 2 candidats , non ?